We provide math-based decision support system that you, as a decision maker, can use to generate more profit and improve the processes performances. Whether you are struggling with the formulation of strategic decisions on planning future events or you wish to lend a hand to your staff in making short-time decisions on the execution of operations our tools and our specialist team can help you. ACT Operations Research’ name and brand is already familiar to large organizations of complex processes and large-scale systems. Standing beneath real investments in research, we build best-of-breed “decision support math-technology” which has been proving to stand out competing technologies from global players. We draw out the optimization potential of your operations while unleashing pent-up profit margins by embedding our solutions in your systems. What’s more, with us you refrain from taking unconscious risks as we model the behaviour of your systems imitating the real world ahead you play live with your business decisions. At ACT Operations Research, we strive to make the difference in this ever-increasing innovation demanding world working hard to reach a world’s leading position in advanced decision support systems built on optimization, simulation, forecasting and process control expertise.
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ACT and intermodality! METROCARGO: last technology for intermodal transport and widespread traffic.
METROCARGO - Intermodal transport & widespread traffic

Solution for harbour intermodality and widespread traffic.

ACT Operations Research is a partner in the project since the beginning. Has contributed to the study and now at works for the delivery of service with the tools of simulation, optimizazion and forecasting.

Intermodality? Utopia? No more!

Intermodality: a reality now possible thanks to Metrocargo!


What is Metrocargo?
Metrocargo is a solution primarily targeted to operators of logistics in addition to the trucks that now have new technologies to carry the goods of its customers.

Metrocargo is also a solution to the problem of urban freight transport.


It's a solution primarily targeted to operators of logistics that now, in addition to the trucks, have new technologies to carry the goods of its customers.


Why Metrocargo?

  L'elevato numero di possibili soluzioni, la complessità dei vincoli, l'interazione tra diversi obiettivi rendono difficile l'individuazione di soluzioni ottime senza il ricorso a specifiche metodologie. Le tecnologie informatiche possono supportare decisioni operative, anche per processi in real-time. Questo apre grandi opportunità ma per poter ottenere risultati in ambiti complessi, come quello logistico, è necessario il ricorso a innovative metodologie in sostituzione dei criteri tradizionali.

  • the environmental impact is negligible
  • does not require significant investment in rail infrastructure
  • it's compatible with existing systems of intermodal transportation
    and integrates with the planned launch of the motorways of the sea
  • it's a natural continuation of maritime transport on land, can operate
    either on average or on a long distance
  • it has no particular dimensional limits of both in terms network and in
    terms of volumes transported
  • allows times to yield and cost absolutely compatible with the direct
    transport by truck
  • avoids all the associated costs with the mode of rail transport as:
    • hight utilization times of rolling stock
    • time to stop in the terminals
    • maneuvers
    • terminalizations
    • terminals may be located in abandoned areas and low-value adjacent to the railway lines
    • can easily adapt to reality is not particularly structured, provided with a primary rail network

Intermodality for years has been a subject of study, analysis and discussion, it was ambition of many that held it practically unfeasible. In fact for years the major flows of goods could not even consider intermodality as deemed incompatible with the real needs of the flows themselves. The capillarity and flexibility of tyre and the costs of its implementation were not such as to be able to consider in many cases. Metrocargo, is a solution after years of hard work comes to light and makes it now possible to build intermodal terminal that makes intermodality not only affordable but also highly flexible.


Metrocargo is also a solution to the problem of urban freight transport

Metrocargo is also a solution to the problem of freight transport in the city. Metrocargo is an innovative system for intermodal transport door to door. Thanks to Metrocargo technology the difficulties encountered and today existing on the management of traffic by road and rail are removed through a system of horizontal transfer terminals. This will optimize cost and time minimizing disability load breakage.


How Metrocargo works?

Il modello può riguardare un intero sistema o sue parti: un magazzino (manuale o automatico); un impianto di smistamento; un centro logistico; un porto, un aeroporto, una stazione o la rete ferroviaria; un terminal intermodale; una rete di distribuzione; un'intera Supply Chain; la logistica di fabbrica. ACT Operations Research è specializzata nei temi di simulazione e ottimizzazione. I nostri prodotti tra cui ARENA e SIMIO, potenti ambienti di simulazione più diffusi al mondo, consentono di raggiungere gli obiettivi con un percorso strutturato e lineare. Perché rischiare? Un modello di simulazione fornisce la possibilità di riprodurre in un ambiente virtuale l’intero processo su cui ci interessa operare e di effettuare analisi su questa copia virtuale. Questo in molte situazioni è l'unico modo per capire in che modo le molteplici variabili interagiscono in un processo logistico e ne determinano le performance.  


The system includes a first transport by truck to the terminal nearest where you provide access to storage on an automated roller, dividing the unit load for each director of destination or, if it is in a port, placing the freight directly on the wagon rail. As the arrival of the train is close (which is kept under power line without the need for working with diesel locomotives) to which the unit load is set, the plant provides in automatic manner to the loading on railway wagon (standard). Possibly through subsequent transhipment in several terminal, the unit load arrives at the terminal closest to its final destination, where it is first delivered by truck. Indeed, the UTI network behaves equivalently to a passenger using the train in a station of departure, possibly changes in train stations before reaching its destination.


Contact us @ for more informations on Metrocargo.



BROCHURE - ACT Operations Research


We provide math-technology products and advanced solutions for:  
BEFORE! Predictive Analytics
The new generation of Forecasting Systems (Promo and Revenue Optimization)
BEFORE! Market Analytics
(KVI Analysis - Competitive Analysis - Category Efficiency Analysis)

OPT Shipping
Advanced deliveries planning engine
Design and simulate multilevel distribution network
OPT Runner
Trucks routing and scheduling optimization system
OPT Loading
3D container, truck and pallet loading optimization engine
OPT Vessel
Planning and scheduling of maritme transportation
OPT Warehouse
Math optimization suite for the warehouse process
NET Solver - RTD
Optimal dispatching in automatic warehouse!
The most used software for simulation projects
The new software for simulation projects
SCENARIO Navigator
Scenario analysis for simulations projects

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